Leaders | The right

The growing peril of national conservatism

It’s dangerous and it’s spreading. Liberals need to find a way to stop it

A red baseball cap stretched vertically to fit the following: “Make America, Hungary, Italy, France, Israel, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland great again”.
Illustration: Pete Ryan

IN THE 1980s Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher built a new conservatism around markets and freedom. Today Donald Trump, Viktor Orban and a motley crew of Western politicians have demolished that orthodoxy, constructing in its place a statist, “anti-woke” conservatism that puts national sovereignty before the individual. These national conservatives are increasingly part of a global movement with its own networks of thinkers and leaders bound by a common ideology. They sense that they own conservatism now—and they may be right.

Despite its name, national conservatism could not be more different from the ideas of Reagan and Thatcher. Rather than being sceptical of big government, national conservatives think ordinary people are beset by impersonal global forces and that the state is their saviour. Unlike Reagan and Thatcher, they hate pooling sovereignty in multilateral organisations, they suspect free markets of being rigged by the elites and they are hostile to migration. They despise pluralism, especially the multicultural sort. National conservatives are obsessed with dismantling institutions they think are tainted by wokeness and globalism.

This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline "The peril of national conservatism"

The right goes gaga: Meet the Global Anti-Globalist Alliance

From the February 17th 2024 edition

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